Transportation Committee
SANDAG- Board of Directors Committees
Friday, March 21, 2025
9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. PDT
* Monthly on Friday of the third week
401 B St, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 (Directions)
SANDAG- Board Room
The Transportation Committee recommends policies to the Board of Directors related to transportation. The Committee oversees the Regional Plan and other regional transportation planning and programming efforts. It provides oversight of project schedules, costs, and scopes for the major highway, transit, regional arterial, and regional bikeway projects funded under the Regional Transportation Improvement Program, including the TransNet Program. The Transportation Committee receives input from the Mobility Working Group and Social Services Transportation Advisory Council. Recommendations of the Transportation Committee are forwarded to the Board of Directors for action.
The Transportation Committee meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the third Friday of the month for approximately three hours.
For the agenda, click on the website link. It should be up on their website 72 hours before the meeting date. If it isn’t, please contact us.
Check the Agenda before going on assignment in case the meeting was canceled/changed!
A personal audio and/or video recording recording is required.
Check the source website for additional information
Agency Information
SANDAG- Board of Directors Committees
See meeting notes for details
The Board of Directors serves as the governing body of SANDAG and is made up of elected mayors, councilmembers, and county supervisors that are appointed from each of the region’s 19 local governments. The Board of Directors serves as the forum for bringing together our local governments and public agencies to plan, program, and implement cooperative comprehensive planning across the San Diego region.
La Junta Directiva actúa como órgano rector de SANDAG y está formada por alcaldes, concejales y supervisores del condado que son designados por cada uno de los 19 gobiernos locales de la región. La Junta Directiva sirve como foro para reunir a nuestros gobiernos locales y agencias públicas para planificar, programar e implementar una planificación integral cooperativa en toda la región de San Diego.
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Friday, March 28, 2025
9:00 a.m. PDT