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The Citizens' Police Complaint Board reviewed two complaints against IMPD officers.

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Tonight’s agenda
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The Board prepares to start the meeting and hear citizens complaints.
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The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by the president of the board Kenneth Riggans.
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The minutes for the October 2024 meeting were approved.
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We begin tonight with case CPCO #2023-037F. The Case of Christine Anderson.The complaint is against three officers.She alleged that Detective Masterson spoke inappropriately to her during her arrest for alleged was determined that Anderson was being 1/2 prostitution.It
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Trafficked.She also alleges that another detective Sergeant Wilkerson inappropriately touched her pelvic area during the sting operation.2/2
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“I think that the bigger question is whether IMPD should still be arresting people for prostitution”-Evan Shearin, Board member
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“Undercover officers often put themselves in positions of criminal’s to conduct undercover operations” said officer David Bolling in response to why the officer touched Christine Anderson’s pelvic area.
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As it relates to detective Wilkerson the board voted to exonerate and agreed with Internal Affairs in this matter.
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In regard to detectives Maston and Hartman,the board voted to sustain and to also schedule a follow up meeting with the IMPD chief in regard to the misconduct.
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The next case on the agenda CPCO #2023-081F-Glen Schmidt.
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Glen Schmidt’s complaint centers around the fact that 1)During a domestic dispute between he and his girlfriend, that detective Howard and Slishinger didn’t view video that would have corroborated his allegations his girlfriend assaulted him. 1/2
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Schmidt, a former officer also alleges the officers took his department issued handgun and other department issued also said due to this incident he felt he was strong-armed to sign a letter of resignation by lieutenant John Baker.2/2 items.Schmidt
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The criminal charges against Schmidt in regard to domestic violence as violence were dismissed.
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In regard to the first allegation of sub-standard performance by an officer the board chose to exonerate the regard to the second allegation of not using proper procedure using a body cam and sub-standard performance during an investigation the board 1/2 officer.In
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voted to exonerate the officers.2/2
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In regard to the case follow up for Tabitha Kemp and Mike and Melissa Bolivia from last month the board voted to affirm the sustained findings of last month.
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As far as announcements,next month’s meeting will take place at Martindale-Brightwood library.
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The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
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