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Ward 11 gas station proposal marks public comment

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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at
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Here's a link for today's agenda to follow along!……
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You can come watch the meeting by using this link:
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Council President Blaine A. Griffin starts off this meeting by giving his first and final warning in regard to any disruptions that may or may not occur during the meeting.
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1st public commenter: Nikki Hudson. Nikki is here to speak out about 10022 Madison Avenue. A developer who wants to build a gas station near a park and a recreation center.
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For more information regarding Nikki’s public comment, here is a link!……
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2nd public commenter: Jonathan Styer takes the mic to speak up about Ordinance 791-2024. I do apologize in advance, I am unsure of the spelling of the name.
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Here is Ordinance 791-2024……
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3rd public commenter: Greg Levy talks about city prosecution of black leaders.
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4th public commenter: Rameer Askew is talking about police oppression against black people. “No one seems to ask us what we, the community in the youth want or need.”
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5th public commenter: Michael Armstrong is also speaking out about 10022 Madison Avenue. “Please council members. Do not vote to allow a gas station next to a park and an elementary school and reject 791-2024.”
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6th public commenter: Susan Zimmerman will talk about the proposed gas station.
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7th public commenter: James Lamb is speaking about accountability. “No answers come back about what we speak on. You all shove 90,000 pieces of literature in our mailboxes wanting us to vote.. then the East side of Cleveland looks like hell.”
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Emergency Ordinances Referred: 9 One of them is Ordinance 1012-2024.
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*the tweet before this was the First Reading Legislation
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Second Reading Legislation Emergency Ordinances Read in Full and Passed: 17 One of them is Ordinance 809-2024: an emergency ordinance to change the name of a portion of West Roadway to Sherwin Way.
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Councilwoman Jenny Spencer mentions the November 5th, 2024 Presidential general election.
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Councilman Joseph Jones wanted to clear things up about a particular gas station owner. “It was really shady of him to say I don’t respond to my neighborhood issues.” He also spoke about his support for the CMSD (Cleveland Municipal School District) tax levy.
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Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. EST. This concludes the Cleveland City Council Meeting. The next meeting is on September 30th, 2024.