Live reporting by
LaQuan McMahan
Alderman Brian Knudsen has proposed legislation to institute $1,000 fines for “hate littering” on private property
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting today's City of Chicago Joint Committee on Human Relations and Public Safety for @CHIdocumenters. Subject matter hearing on the Annual Hate Crimee and Hate Incidents report.
12:09 PM Jul 5, 2024 CDT
@CHIdocumenters The revised agenda for the meeting can be found here: ……
@CHIdocumenters Executive Summary report – Chicago Commission on Human Relations – Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents can be found here: ……
@CHIdocumenters All other meeting documents such as the original agenda or original executive summary report can be found here:……
@CHIdocumenters Began meeting with public comments, limited to 30 minutes in total/ 3 minutes per public comment
@CHIdocumenters 16 public commenters, 3 written public comments. First commenter is a resident of Alderwomen Rodriguez-Sanchez's ward. (Ward 33) Expressed support for the end of the Palestinian genocide; And explained the difference between Anti-zionism and anti-semitism.
@CHIdocumenters Second commenter, Jessica Jackson, began comments reading 1848 South Carolina advertisement for sale of slaves, titled "Negroes for Sale." Jackson illustrates regardless of the time, black people have continued to fight their oppressors.
@CHIdocumenters Jackson ends comments further illustrating their experience with fighting government regarding property. Third commenter, Zoe Leigh, began their public comments with their experience of Chicago government demolishing her family's residential building unjustifiable.
@CHIdocumenters Fourth commenter, Taiwon. "Public Safety for Black Americans doesn't exist here in Chicago."
@CHIdocumenters Fifth public comment, Josh W. with Chicago Jewish Alliance @ChiJewishAllies "Critical Race Theory proven to target jews when combined with definition of zionism"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies Commenter also referenced Alderwoman Rosana Rodriguez-Sanchez @ward33chicago Facebook post asking for list of doctors who are anti-zionist, as examples of hate speech and the blacklisting of Jews @ChiJewishAllies "……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago Sixth commenter, Martin L., Jewish Chicagoan referenced Jewish Currents recent article, "Examining the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)’s Antisemitism Audit."……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago "White Nationalism was responsible for more incidents in 2023 than every year since 2017. Clear correlation between Anti-semitism and Anti-LGBTQ+ organizing"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago "Since we found that most alleged anti-semitic incidents in Palestine Solidarity movement lacked merit. The legitimate anti-semitic palestine related incidents would appear as more statistical noise when compared with the stunning growth of organized white nationalism"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago Seventh public comment came from Daniel Hernandez, Commissioner for Chicago Commission for Health & Human Services (CCHR) @ChiCCHR Hernandez and CCHR staff assisted in the drafting of Hate Crime and Hate Incident Report, and supports the recommended findings in the report.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR Eighth Public Comment; Josh Grant, Community organizer with Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (@jcua_chicago) Commenter was deeply troubled by anti-semitic, islamophobia and racial bigotry. Supports the work of Hate Crime/Incident Report's focus on all forms of bigotry
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago Ninth public comment; Thomas McDaniels, Director of Government Affairs & Advocacy for Chinese American Service League (CASL) @CASLmedia McDaniels highlights the recent rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and the preventative work of Anti-Hate Action Center hosted by CASL.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia McDaniels explains our understanding of hate crimes is growing as hate crimes/incidents are often underreported. Especially for first-generation immigrants, Asian-Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. A language barrier being a common challenge to reporting.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia McDaniels advocates for sufficient language services available for city 311 intake; and cultural training and scripts for 311 operators/specialists.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia The tenth scheduled public commenter was not present. The eleventh is Dr. Lionel Kimball Jr. - The Director of Research & Policy Center at Chicago Urban League @ChiUrbanLeague "30% of all hate crimes in America, according to FBI, were against black people...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague "....eventhough we make up 14.4% of the total U.S. population". "commission report shows 25% of all hate crime in Chicago were against black people" ……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague Twelfth public commenter J. Conner spoke about right wing groups and zionist support for ongoing genocide in Palestine and displacement of Palestinians. Conner supports Alderwomen Rodriguez-Sanchez for her opposition to ongoing genocide. Conner was noticeable interrupted during..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague ..interrupted during his public comments, three times. Conner was instructed by Alderwomen Rodriguez-Sanchez @ward33chicago to direct public comments to commission. R-Sanchez instructed public several times to remain silent during public comments or they would be escorted out
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague in-person public comments has ended with the twelfth public comment and are now allowing the online public commenters to speak. Thirteenth comment from Bandham of People's response network @ThePeoplesResp3
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @ThePeoplesResp3 expressed concern about the current protocol for extreme heat in Chicago; and recommends the city Department of public health take over responsibilities from OEMC and National Weather Service.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 "In 2023, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration heat map proved that on July 28, 2023 there was a 22 degree difference between predominately black & latino communities, and predominately white communities."……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 Center for Disease Control and @NOAA now recommend whenever temperature outside is 80 degrees, not 100 degrees, 6 cooling centers & other facilities need to be open 24/7 including weekends and holidays.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA CTA cooling buses should be sent to CHA senior section 8 building, and neighborhoods w/ highest poverty rates but lowest air conditioning. Social workers should perform wellness checks on senior residents
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA "On Juneteenth, in Chicago there was 1 cooling center open for 2.8 million people when the heat index was 101 degrees and was closed in the evening"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA "Including the 1995 heat wave most people die at night under extreme heat. Their bodies cannot effectively cool down"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA Building heating & environment inspectors sent to all high rise & senior buildings, covered under the 2022 cooling ordinance, with temperature and humidity instruments to ensure those at high risk do not get sick and die……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA Adopt OSHA guidelines for outside workers and indoor workers without air conditioning. The second online comment was from Creola Hampton, Black Leadership Advocacy Coalition for Healthcare equity. @CreGreaterworks
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks June 27th was national HIV testing day. On June 26th there was a summit hosted by @IDPH and @ChiPublicHealth with @GovPritzker and in attendance about getting HIV to zero by 2030. Hampton expressed this is an impossible goal for a number of reasons..……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker Black population are 14% of total Illinois population and 48% of new HIV diagnoses are black. 52% of existing HIV diagnoses are black. These percentages have gone unchanged for 25 years. 98% of HIV prevention funding is allocated to white lead organizations.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker "of those that died by HIV or AIDS in Chicago in 2021; 52% are black, 13% are hispanic, and 24% are white.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker Third online speaker is Ken B. a resident of 33rd ward. Spoke about 3 things. Opposition to Ald. Lopez @RaymondALopez ordinance to punish those wearing mask.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez Ken B also wanted everyone to not make the mistake of conflating anti-zionism with anti-semitism. And lastly, "Police in Chicago are the #1 drivers of hate with members being of oathkeepers and proud boys." Ken advocated for Ald. who support referendum for comm. policing
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez Fourth and last online public comment came from Billy R. who illustrated concern for recent bad faith actors who smear political protest as hate speech. @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato characterized citizens for Palestine at CPS schools as "thinly veiled antisemitism"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato Several officials from Commission for Health Relations (COHR) introduced themselves. Chair & commisioner, Nancy Andrada. First Deputy commissioner, Kenneth Gun. Director of Intergroup Relations & Outreach, Danny Serrano.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato Hate crime and Victim Advocate, Norman White. Additional professional introduced were Commander Karla Johnson with Office for Community Policing. Deputy Commissioner for DSS, Debbie Lopez. and Deputy Director for OEMC-311, Audrey L. Mathis. @chicagoOEMC……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Nancy introduced the Hate Crime & Hate Incident report which was mandated by the December 2023 amendments to the Hate Crime ordinance.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC The report had three goals: 1. Hate Crime & Incident data organized by community area, bias motivation, type of incident and disposition. 2. Provide overview of Hate Crime and Hate Incident from local, regional and national perspectives.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC And 3. Provide any recommendations for the reduction and/or elimination of hate crimes and hate incidents. *A slide deck with report specific information was presented during this portion of joint commission meeting.**
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Key takeaways: There are no universal standards of measurement and reporting for hate crime and hate incidents. Looking at CPD hate crimes dashboard for past 5 years, noticeable uptick in hate crime and hate incidents in 2019.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Dashboard shows there were 98 hate crimes in 2019, 80 in 2020, 109 in 2021, 205 in 2022, 303 in 2023 and 124 as of June 13, 2024. Hate crime is defined as a criminal act that targets a person or group b/c of actual perceived identity.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Hate incident is defined as non-criminal act that targets a person or group from a protected class. Ex. Race, color, religion, sex, national origin. .……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC What causes rises in hate crimes/incidents (HC/HI)? Global crisises, political partisanship, rhetoric white nationalist propaganda & online conspiracy theories, the Israel-Hammas war drives sharp increase in anti-semitic and Islamophobic HC/HI
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Other causes include Covid-19 pandemic contributed to increases in HI/HC for Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders. And increase in asylum seekers and other migrants contributed to increase in HI/HCs towards the Latinx communities.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC "Despite the increases, only a fraction of HC/HI are reported. People don't report for # of reasons: Don't recognize HC/HI when it occurs, Fear of retaliation, and mistrust of police or criminal justice system." @ChiCCHR Victim Advocate helps victims cope with aftermath of HC/HI
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Victim Advocate also tracks cases through criminal justice system, accompanies victims to court & meetings w/ detectives, and provides referrals for other city & nonprofit services. Presentation also included graphics to define HC/HI data
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Hate Crimes by Bias Motivation for 2023 to 2024
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Types of Hate Crimes (2024 data only)
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC In Dec. 2024 city expanded response to hate crime epidemic by amending Hate Crime ordinance to include non criminal Hate incidents. Also included new data reporting requirements to increase transparency.……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC Between Jan. And June 15, 2024. There have been 114 reported Hate Incidents to 311. 17 of the 114 are deemed to be bona-fide reported Hate Incidents.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC In Oct. 2023, @ChiCCHR partnered with @Chicago_Police to win Dept. of Justice Grant to create a community based Hate crime reporting pilot program. Program operating in collab. w/ comm. based orgs: Chicago Urban League @ChiUrbanLeague Anti-Defamation League @ADLMidwest, ....
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest Howard Brown Health (@Howardbrownhc), metropolitan Community Services @MetroFamChicago, Chinese American Service League Institute @CASLmedia and Northside Community Services @ONENorthside. Pilot program designed to supplement 311 & 911 services, not replace them.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside CCHR @ChiCCHR engaged in several initiatives & cross-cultural programming to promote the pilot program: Jan 2023 Unity Branch, July 2023 Unity Summit, and in Dec. 2023 - Think Before you Hate Campaign
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside As mandated by HC ordinance, the report recommends 4 things for reduction or elimination of HC/HI. 1. Pass proposed HC littering ordinance. 2. Review CPD civil rights unit staffing model for mission optimization.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside 3. Connect 311 HI reporters to Mental Health System expansion initiative; 4. Implement educational programs for youth to address the problem of Hate.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @ChiCCHR agrees "Any Hate crime is a stain on the soul of America" - Pres. Biden. Chicago residents should know despite national, regional and local uptake in HC/HI, that CPD, CPD civil rights unit and @ChiCCHR are equipped to lead and steady the course on addressing HC/HI
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins thanked speakers and reiterated that the CH/CI report reviewal will take place annually as part of the mandated reporting requirement from the Hate crime ordinance.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins Ald. Silverstein @50thWardChicago was next speaker and sponsored the amendment to HC ordinance. Alderwomen thanked @ChiCCHR staff, numerous CBOs and all 50 aldermen and alderwomen for their assistance in passing CHI versus HC in 2023. The first update to the ordinance in 30 years
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins Ald. Silverstein highlighted the importance of reporting incidents that are pre-cursors to future hate and talked about an incident involving 50 ward school where an HI occurred involving teens giving nazi salute to Jewish students. Few weeks later a HI occurred again...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins Only HI involved same teens throwing rocks at students. @50thWardChicago illustrated how if hate is not addressed it can grow and threaten our most vulnerable communities. HC/HI report shows 50 Jewish related HC as of June 2024; same # of HC reported for the all of 2023.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @50thWardChicago also provided examples of the impacts of HC in ward 50 against Jewish Americans and specifies how most go unreported or unseen, such as threatening phone calls made to Jewish bakeries and a bomb threat most recently made toward Jewish college in Westridge.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins "The victim cannot cure the crime and hate cannot cure hate. The only people who can successfully combat antisemitism are the cultures that harbor it" - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins Silverstein advocates for CHI leadership to do more to address hate towards Jewish community. They have watched the city turn blind eye to illegal encampments, inflammatory social media posts, and unsanctioned school walk-outs.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins To protestors blocking highways, burning flags and vandalizing public works and institutions like Buckingham Fountain. Hate resurfaced again when Jewish therapists were blacklisted and businesses were boycotted.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins "Will the city keep the Jewish population safe when same agitators march on the Democratic National Convention in August?" - @50thWardChicago Silvertein drafted letter w/ Jewish Federation of Chicago @jfederations calls on @ChiPubSchools to protect students, faculty and staff
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Ald. Silverstein statements end with Ald. advocates for rights of safety for Jewish community regardless of identity; and for interested colleagues to add name to legislation. "CHI versus Hate is just a first step, Hate isn't going anywhere and neither must we"
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Ald. Silverstein asked additional questions about when HI are reported, how does CPD differ between bona-fide HI, undetermined HI and unfounded HI? Question was CPD related and Comm. Andrade identified Commander Johnson, Off. of Comm. Policing to respond.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Comm. Johnson: CPD responds to HI, in same way as HC. steps: CPD Officer determines if allegation is HC or HI initially. Then forwards info to CPD civil rights unit. Then civil rights unit works with Bureau of Detectives.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools The civil rights unit will conduct a parallel investigation into HC. Bureau of Detectives serve as primary investigators for HC and civil rights unit provide victims assistance, and Liaison any info to referral services. Additional evidence gathered by the unit is sent to bureau
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools The additional evidence will supplement primary investigators. Civil rights unit will then work w/ bureau investigators to determine if HC occurred. Silverstein restated their question to Johnson b/c initial question was not answered properly.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Daniel Serrano, Dir. of Intergroup Relations, gave correction: HI is determined to be unfounded if facts provided do not meet the statutory definition of Hate Incident. (It is a non-criminal act that is not motivated by bias) Reporter must have both to meet statutory definition.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools HI is classified as such if they do not provide enough evidence to determine if act occurred. Ex. include maybe reporter gave name and location but nothing else. Or left an opinion about something. Silverstein also asked if DOJ pilot program had been started.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Comm. Andrade says the commission is waiting on DOJ to approve proposal, a requirement of the pilot program grant. Plan rolls out as soon as approval is received.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools Silverstein asks if graffiti is also reported as HI. Official responds @StreetsandSan has an internal process of addressing hateful content, hateful content can be determined in person or by details provided in initial reporting. Silverstein wonders if option to indicate...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan Indicate hateful content on graffiti can be included as option in initial reporting. OEMC reponds yes, they will work with DSS to determine hateful content and act accordingly. Debbie Dole Lopez, Deputy Comm. For DSS adds that when report is received and Hate content is found..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan DSS works closely with CPD & CCHR to get them onsite to expedite the removal of graffiti. Danny Serrano, Director of Intergroup Relations & Outreach for CCHR, adds under IL law graffiti is a crime period, whether hateful or non-hateful.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan If graffiti includes hate against protected class then it now becomes hate crime because 2 requirements for statutory definition of hate crime are met. The crime and hate motive. In past, CHI treated graffiti as public nuisance rather than crime.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan In past, people reported to 311 or alderman and DSS would remove as quickly as possible. Now, since graffiti has been added to hate crime ordinance, the process for hateful graffiti has changed..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan Before it can be removed, it must be treated as hate crime. Meaning it must be photographed, uploaded to 311 system, and recorded as an alleged hate crime so evidence can be preserved.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan Ald. Silverstein also asked how are we educating the public about the hate crime ordinance. Comm. Andrade provided it is being promoted on LED billboards on Kennedy expressway, CTA bus stops and train stations and all other stations. Also promoted on social media.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan Ald. Silverstein ended questions. Ald. Martin @AldMattMartin was added to roll call and Ald. Fuentes was next for questions to commission. Fuentes asked if HC/HI data is disaggregated to account for intersecting identities. Ex. Blk trans women are more at risk than counterparts
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin Comm. Andrade recognized question as CPD related; directed question to Comm. Johnson. Johnson stated CPD is working on disaggregating the data. Ald. Fuentes illustrates that data collected around race or sexuality does not paint full picture..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin First Deputy Commissioner, Kenneth Gunn, responds CCHR can manually go through every case file to determine the disaggregate data. Ald. Fuentes adds info can be helpful to advocacy work and to orgs supporting multiple intersecting vulnerable populations.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin Norman White, HC victim advocate w/ CCHR, adds in the past CCHR has worked trans youth alongside @CenteronHalsted. Challenges trans youth face include being homeless and some work as sex workers. Part of their everyday life involves violence...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted Additional challenge included educating trans youth on the rights they did have and showing they have a mechanism for reporting HC/HI. Education helped them identify if violence was because of trans identity or because they worked in the sex industry.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted White illustrates that CCHR has been working with trans youth and are sensitive to the challenges. CCHR reaches out and trans youth are aware, but it still takes time for them to trust CCHR. Ald. Fuentes asks if HC/HI data include HC from those incarcerated in justice system..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted question was answered by CPD Comm. Johnson. Johnson was unaware if data included HCs reported by those incarcerated and will provide information to Ald. Fuentes at later time. Ald. Fuentes highlighted the importance of making sure HC for incarcerated are accounted for..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted Ald. Fuentes also asks if CCHR works with EEOC and other entities reporting sexual harassment. Ald. Fuentes has found around CHI, offices reporting sexual harassment are compounding HCs, regardless of religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted Are we looking for what is not sexual harassment, are we looking for what is both HC and sexual harassment. Deputy Comm. Gunn provides that under ordinance, they receive discrimination and sexual harassment reports...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted They work with EEOC, IL Dept. of Human Rights, and Cook County commission on Human Rights, to address sexual harassment. Ald. Fuentes directs comment to chair, seeking response on whether data includes incarcerated and it it doesn't add them; and if data can be disaggregated..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted The commission will follow up with Ald. Fuentes. Ald. Fuentes @Ward26Chicago is done with questions. Ald. Knudsen illustrated how Stop Hate Littering was born out of incident in Lincoln Park part of 43rd ward. Incident with antisemitic flyering using bags filled with pellets.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago incident lead to atmosphere of fear and Ald. Knudsen and ward 43 responded opposed by flyering vehicles with Stop Hate commission's work. Researched incidents over past 10 years and found that HC/HI done by organized white supremacists and...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago hate organizations like to stay a hair within the law. Ald. Knudsen tried to work with CPD to address but CPD were unable to do anything due to laws. Hate ordinance moves hate flyering incidents within law by ticketing and fines of up to $1000.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Knudsen also extended offer to answer questions for other aldermen looking to sign and sponsor ordinance. When drafting ordinance team were looking to narrowly tailor to ensure it was constitutional but also addressed goal. Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth is next to ask questions.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Hoppenworth adds how stop hate initiative has impacted the economy in their ward b/c chamber of commerce had to adjust budget for graffiti since graffiti now addressed quickly. Hoppenworth also illustrates that those that commit HC/HI also need help too..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Help whether it is resources for housing, mental health (MH), etc. Hoppenworth liked the third recommendation in HC/HI report of connecting people to MH resources but wanted commission to expand on the recommendation a little more..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Comm. Andrade specifies that CCHR are not MH experts nor do they have credentials in the field. But they do have experience working in community and with community tensions. CCHR & CPD reviewed HC dashboard and found pattern of incoherent HC/HI reports.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago CCHR & CPD started an ad-hoc pilot program with CHI dept. of Public Health so DPH would follow-up directly with those identified incoherent reporters. Comm. Andrade is currently in conversation with Comm. Matt Richards so once work on HI/HC report recommendations starts...
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago they can begin brainstorming potential incorporation of 211 city mental health services. Comm. Andrade recognizes expansion of MH is key opportunity for collaboration with regional and national departments to show they care about those that report HC/HI.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Comm. Andrade also points out that the HC/HI report leaves room for aggressive collaboration w/ city departments and the wider public. Alderwomen Lee was next to ask the commission questions. Ald. Lee wanted to know if commission was sufficiently staffed for anticipated..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago increase in reporting due to the promotion marketing of the HC ordinance. Ald. Lee also asked for additional marketing material and thanked the commission for previously providing marketing material in different languages.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Comm. Andrade specifies that marketing material was sent in mid-January 2024 along with offer to translate materials into any language, and the material would be sent again. Comm. Andrade also adds CCHR staff of 19 are efficient with resources available, and..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago are expecting to add new role, Public Relations coordinator. CCHR hasn't had role with PR responsibilities since it was staffed by 90 people. Ald. Lee specified they would like to advocate for additional staffing funding for CCHR.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Comm. Andrade added they support the amazing work on Norman White but his workload is heavy and only one victim advocate doesn't sense for succession planning. Relationship building with community is one important aspect of the work that shouldn't be taken for granted.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Lee adds it would be great if there were 3 more people working under Norman, and how CHI does not want to lose institutional knowledge Norman brings. Ald. Lee will be leading effort to advocate for additional staffing funding in next budget.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Lee opened their question back up to ask about CAPS, CPD Civil Rights Unit, DSS and OEMC staffing needs. Comm. Johnson responded that civil rights unit is currently staffed by 5 Officers. (1 sergeant, 1 detective and 3 Officers (trained on HC investigations)).
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Silverstein then asks if only 5 officers investigate HC/HI and if more detectives were needed. Comm. Johnson reiterated to Ald. Silverstein that they work in collaboration with bureau of detectives and mainly collect supplement evidence, and provide support to victims..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Ramirez-Rosa is next to ask questions. Ald. Ramirez was happy firm recommendations were provided in report, b/c they haven't had opportunity in 9 years of service to act on ordinance in this manner. They also reminded the commission of past neo-nazi incident in Logan Square.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Neo-nazis and white supremacist were actively flyering to light posts and would hide razor blades behind posts b/c they knew ward residents would try to remove them. Ald. Ramirez question was directed toward Ald. Knudsen..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Ramirez advocated for additional language in ordinance to prevent such acts of HC, as flyers are illegal to put up but CHI responds to flyering by sending ward superintendents or other DSS for removal. Ald. Knudsen responds that they would look into adding..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago B/c in the process of narrowly tailoring ordinance, they made sure it applied to private/personal property but it does not specify public property. Ald. Knudsen thinks there may be room in sub-section of ordinance to add language. Ald. Rodriguez-Sanchez is next to ask questions.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Ald. Rodriguez-Sanchez advocated for building of infrastructure so commission's HC/HI work can be ask effective as possible, and asked for commission to speak about efforts to educate adults. Comm. Andrade adds CCHR speaks to community and schools. Mutual outreach to orgs.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago CCHR also talk to adults and teens about bullying and include new arrivals and senior homes. CCHR has acquired new employee and role, Project Coordinator, who will be responsible for outreach and tailored marketing so public know of services. CCHR anticipates..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago that new Project Coordinator role will quadruple the visibility of CCHR. Ald. Rodriguez identified that this is an opportunity to do training and capacity-building in community with the goal to be to share facts and impact of CCHR HC work, so community can then spread the word..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Daniel Serrano, CCHR, then speaks more on CCHR effort to educate youth. CCHR identified NY public schools had started a curriculum focused on HC and bias incidents. Research found bullying mostly happens in schools and curriculum is designed to help students..
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago learn what a hate crime is and how it can impact the community. Through youth education, CCHR recognizes it can help address the fact most people don't know a HC/HI when it occurs. Training in youth can help impact HC/HI in future. End of Comm. Andrade comments.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Last question for commission comes from meeting moderator Ald. Hopkins who was seeking clarification on page 7 of report for "non-criminal" HC. Which doesnt make sense. CPD recognized it was a typo due to chart being extracted from CPD HC dashboard.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Next meeting is announced to be July 12, 2024. Alderman Hopkins thanks everyone and adjourns meeting at 1:32PM on June 27, 2024.
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago That's all for today, thank you for keeping up with the updates. Additional resources are below in case they are needed. Info about next meeting(s)
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago Info about CCHR Staff……
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago A recording of the meeting will be available here: Additional recordings of City Council meetings can be found here:…………
@CHIdocumenters @ChiJewishAllies @Ward33Chicago @ChiCCHR @jcua_chicago @CASLmedia @ChiUrbanLeague @ThePeoplesResp3 @NOAA @CreGreaterworks @IDPH @ChiPublicHealth @GovPritzker @RaymondALopez @50thWardChicago @aldsposato @ChicagoOEMC @Chicago_Police @ADLMidwest @howardbrownhc @MetroFamChicago @ONENorthside @AldermanHopkins @jfederations @ChiPubSchools @StreetsandSan @AldMattMartin @CenteronHalsted @Ward26Chicago This concludes the City of Chicago Joint Committee for Health & Human Services and Public Safety. Again next meeting is July 12, 2024 at 11:00AM at CHI City Hall. For more meeting coverage, check out