Southside Green Zone Council
Southside Green Zone CouncilLocation unavailable
Southside Green Zone members discussed whether to remain an advisory body or become a commission, and reviewed the resolution that established the group. They talked about the differences between the two and how it correlates to the city’s tier system of impact and influence.
- Green Zones are planning to have a joint meeting in May to discuss further
Southside Green are looking to recruit new members, applications are still being accepted
Southside Green Zone received an update on the Environmental Justice checklist. This is still currently being reviewed by the city council with a new adoption to the city rezoning.
- Summer 2023- City Council adopted new zoning requirements
- Spring 2024 - new EJC checklist for impact and needs are being analyzed before being approved in the city
- If approved, a new staff team will be formed to work on this
Edited and summarized by the Minneapolis - MN Documenters Team
Agency Information
Southside Green Zone Council
Serves as an advisory board to the City Council and Mayor on the implementation and evaluation of the Southside Green Zone Work Plan.